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Get to know your blades. Figure Skate vs. Hockey skates

New to the Skating scene and wish you knew more about skate blades, and sharpening requirements? 

Proper equipment can make or break a skater, so its very important to gain some knowledge. Figure skates and hockey skates differ from one another in several ways, including the shape and features of the blade and the composition of the boots. These differences adapt each skate to its particular sport. Understanding the differences can help recreational and CanSkaters decide which type of skate is right for them.
Most important is ankle support and sharpening. 

Figure skates are designed with a long, gently curved blade (otherwise known as the Rocker), toe picks, and leather boots that provide support and the give necessary for deep knee bends. These features facilitate the jumps, spins and long sweeping curves that characterize the sport. Hockey skates, on the other hand, have a shorter, more steeply curved blade, no toe picks and a stiff boot usually made of rigid synthetics such as plastic. The characteristics of a hockey skate are designed to let hockey players have quick starts, gain speed, turn and stop quickly on the ice. 
All brand new Skates come un-sharpened. 

Getting a reliable sharpener is really important!! Generally Big Box Sports stores are not recommendedl at all for Figure Skates, especially if you are now needing to buy expensive Brands for Figure Skating specifically. STAR 1-5 & Competitive & Non Competitive skaters should all be maintaining their sharpenings from one of the Sharpeners listed below, no exceptions. You've spent a lot of money, and want to maintain the integrity of your blades.  The proper sharpening care and balancing is important to a figure skater. Equipment maintanence has a huge impact on your spins, jumps and footwork. 

Figure Skate blades at the tail are fairly straight in their rocker, and when sharpened should NOT be rounded off in the back which I see far too often from un-recommended  inexperienced sharpeners. The blade shape now is changed and can create balance issues. If minor can be feathered out and fixed in possibly 2 sharpenings. Hockey skate rockers are different and are rounded in the back to maintain their shape. A Coach recommended Sharpener who is familiar with sharpening both types knows the difference in sharpening that each blade requires, along with Radius of Hollow dependent on the skill level and weight of your skater. So a proper sharpening can go a long way! Take it from someone who skates on both Hockey and Figure Skates on a daily basis. There is a difference! Having a relationship with your sharpener is important. There may be some concerns with the blade that a simple drop off and pick up sharpening isn't going to take care of. Screws could be stripped, or blade has shifted.

Proper Straight Tail Shape of Figure Skate Blade

Hockey skate blade profile
Radius of Hollow

If you have some questions about your skates, blades or fitting of skates, please don't hesitate to contact me at

Coach Diana Lorenz

Current Recommended Sharpeners that I personally have experience with:

Local recommended Sharpener is Kelly Bartch of Precision Skate Sharpening. 378-8205

Our other Go to Sharpener is Dave from Blade Runner in Vernon. 260-8023

Cyclone Taylor in Vancouver. Giovanni makes roadtrips to Merritt. Please check your emails from the Club for dates.


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